Monday, October 27, 2008

Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

I have never seen the film before, so I had not a clear idea how it was going to be.
Elizabeth was the queen of England from 1558 to 1603. The queen’s personality was charm, she was full of energy. I could see in the film that it is not easy to be a queen; it is just not like in tales. First of all, Elizabeth’s cousin, Mary Stuart, who was the queen of Scotland didn’t get along very well with Elizabeth. The reasons are simple; they didn’t share the same religion. Elizabeth was protestant and Mary Stuart was catholic. Besides, Mary Stuart wanted to become the queen of England. She ended up being beheaded under Elizabeth’s instructions.

Elizabeth was a strong woman who didn’t give up easily. She always fought for what she believed was right.
She was known like “the virgin queen”, due to the fact she never got married. Some people recommended her to do it, but she was doing just great by herself. She left aside the role of a passionate woman and preferred to be alone in order to govern in a better way. Moreover she was interested in a good match; which means to get married for beneficial purposes.

England and Spain had a bad relationship. England was a protestant country and Spain was a catholic country. After Mary Stuart died Phillip II, king of Spain, decided to sent his armed forces to England. This was a very crucial moment; I think Phillip II wanted to take over England in order to be more powerful; he just used religion as an excuse.
I think this film was a good representation of reality; maybe not an exact one because of the changes that were made. It was good for me to know more about this period of time. I sometimes believe it was a long time ago, even though it means a lot for our time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Resurgence of English

English language hasn’t been always the way we know it. It took a lot of time for language to become into what is nowadays. This process had the help of different cultures to shape English. One important event was The Resurgence of English during the 12th century. Throughout this period a lot of things happened. One of the most important is the fact that literacy was widespread, so people had more access to papers. Cambridge and Oxford universities were established. But not everything was going well; England and France were not exactly good friends. The Hundred Years War began in this period.

English was used for the first time in the parliament in 1362, becoming the language of power. Even though, Latin and French had a big participation in English words formation.

Reading Crystal’s article I could realize how complex the formation of English was. Every aspect of a culture contributes to shape a language. Language is changing all the time due to this fact.

As teachers is essential for us to be aware of where the language we are learning comes from. It is also relevant to connect English history with our own language in order to not forget our roots.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Stonehenge video

I think Stonehenge is an important memory from the past of Europe. Due to the fact we can learn a lot from it.
Experts believe Stonehenge was used as monument where people could get healed and find a spititual guide.
This misterioun temple has some evidence to believe so, but I think that some things are just beyond human being understading. Some things are better left undiscovered. Even though is really interesting to see that a place like Stonehenge, which is absolutely more than just stones .